Jess Hill Fellowship at the University of Technology Sydney
The Wilson Foundation is pleased to partner with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to support Jess Hill through a new Fellowship in 2025/26.

2025 Deprescribing with Dr Mark Horowitz
The Wilson Foundation is pleased to partner with PHNs around Australia to deliver a series of deprescribing events with international expert Dr Mark Horowitz.

2024 Saluting Sydney Women Lunch
The Wilson Foundation was thrilled to participate in the 2024 Saluting Sydney Women lunch - an annual celebration of a trailblazing Sydney woman.

Brisbane Festival: Love Stories
We were thrilled to support and attend the premiere of Love Stories at Brisbane Festival.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners endorses ‘landmark’ safe deprescribing guide
The Wilson Foundation welcomes the decision by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to endorse The Maudsley® Deprescribing Guidelines: Antidepressants, Benzodiazepines, Gabapentinoids and Z-drugs as an ‘Accepted Clinical Resource’.

Examining the effect of cold water immersion on endometriosis pain
The Wilson Foundation is partnering with the University of Adelaide to deliver a pilot trial to test the efficacy of cold water immersion as a treatment for the pain associated with endometriosis.

Sarah Holland-Batt’s wins the 2023 Stella Prize
We are pleased to congratulate Sarah Holland-Batt the winner of the 2023 Stella Prize. The Wilson Foundation has been the official Prize partner since 2020.

Medicinal cannabis endometriosis study funded
The Wilson Foundation together with the NICM Health Research Institute at Western Sydney University will deliver a clinical study testing the efficacy and safety of medicinal cannabis in the alleviation of symptoms impacting the mental and physical health of those suffering with endometriosis.

EOI applications open
Applications now open for a pilot study to test the Wim Hof Method (WHM) as a treatment for systemic inflammation and pain experienced by patients with endometriosis

The future of predicting mental illness
Our partners at the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Thompson Institute are breaking new ground in the area of predicting mental illness through ‘brain fingerprinting’.

World-first Study: Faecal Microbial Transplant
Our partners at the Food & Mood Centre have published the results from their world-first faecal microbial transplant (FMT) Moving Moods study which uncovers how human microbiota transfer therapy could work in the real world as a future treatment for depression.

Clinical Guidelines: Lifestyle-Based Mental Health Care
Our partners the Food and Mood Centre and Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine have worked collaboratively over the last two years to develop clinical practice guidelines that provide clinicians with up-to-date, evidence-based information on the management of major depressive disorder (MDD) using lifestyle-based approaches.

Why we support Stella: Karen Wilson, The Wilson Foundation
Recently the Stella Prize team spoke to Karen about her love of books and the intention behind the Foundation’s support of the Stella Prize Award.

Food & Mood Centre on ABC Radio
Our partners the Food & Mood Centre based at Deakin University are global leaders in Nutritional Psychiatry research and they know the critical role that nutrition plays in our mental health. You can hear Dr Rachelle Opie from the Food & Mood Centre talk to Tegan Taylor on the ABC Radio National Health Report.

Story Factory Parramatta
Since opening in October 2018, Story Factory Parramatta now runs up to 15 creative writing programs a week, for up to 300 students across Western Sydney.

Opening of the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health
The Turner Institute’s mission is to transform how we understand and treat brain and mental health conditions across the lifespan and help create mentally healthy communities globally.

Major Partner Meeting
On 16 May 2019 we held our Major Partners Meeting in Sydney. It was a day of stimulating discussions and we are very excited about future collaborations with this formidable team.

Deakin Dinner
We attended the annual Deakin Dinner held at Deakin Downtown in Melbourne with Vice Chancellor Professor Jane den Hollander and guest speaker, Deakin Professor, Giovanni Turchini.